How to Make Time to Paint so You Have Creative Time to Look Forward To

Are you one of those “there’s not enough time in the day” kinda people? If so, if you struggle to find time for the painting you really want to do, you’re not alone.

I used to be one of those people. I’d have my list of things to do – laundry, work, taking care of the kids,…you know, all those things that help other people get what they need done and putting my own needs at the bottom of that list. So often I would end up getting to my wish list for the day being too tired to make the effort. I’d tell myself there’s always tomorrow.

Now I don’t know what exactly the turning point was for me, but there did come a moment in time where I realized I could keep giving myself away or I could finally give myself what I’d been craving.

And looking back, I found a few things that kept me focused on carving out time for my creativity so I thought I’d share them here with you.

Here are 3 things in particular:

TIP 1: Keep supplies simple.
You don’t need tons of paint colors, paint brushes, and canvases to play
with paint. Keep it simple, especially when starting out. A journal, a few
colors, a brush or two, a water jug, and a rag are really all you need.

TIP 2: Keep supplies organized.
Nothing keeps me from painting like when I can’t find the supplies I need
when I want them. Keeping your supplies organized and in one grab and
go-to place allows you to easily step into the painting process.

TIP 3: Carve out small chunks of time.
Painting doesn’t just have to happen over the course of hours. Painting in
small increments of time allows you to work on your artwork in bits. Think of it like training for a marathon – you wouldn’t just go out and run 26.2 miles. You’d train for it in smaller runs. And all those smaller runs over the course of time add up to the endurance you’d need to run a whole 26.2 miles.

Painting is just like this. There’s no need to feel like you have to start and finish a piece in one sitting. If you have 20 minutes to paint, take that 20
minutes to play with one technique. Then the next day, take your 20
minutes to paint where you left off or with another technique. Before you
know it, all those 20 minutes of creative play will lead you to something
beautiful created by you!

Do you have any tips you would add to this list? I’d love to hear them!
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